Price, a
former hitman, is struggling to cope with
retirement. He left the assassination business to
live the "easy life." However, retirement arrived
with its own agenda. It was not the instant peace
and calm that Price expected. Rather, it was
emptiness, boredom, and, worst of all, restlessness.
The Last Lullaby plummets Price back into his old
life and forces him into a corner from which he may
never escape. Price's old ways no longer work for
him when his heart opens, and he finds life beyond
his profession. The tension finally comes to a head
as Price must decide to close himself off again or
open himself up to a world beyond his control.
Tom Sizemore (Saving Private Ryan) and Sasha
Alexander (NCIS) head the cast in this
mystery-filled love story.
"I guess Lullaby is a smattering of things I
like," explains its director
Jeffrey Goodman.
"If I have combined them in a way that feels fresh
I will be happy. There's a dose of playfulness from
the French New Wave, a bit of slowness of some art
films, the naturalistic style of early seventies
American film, and a strong commitment to narrative taken
from film noir. Yet, in all honesty, more than
anything, I just wanted to get away from irony and
cynicism and try to put something on screen that was